Welcome to DjangoCMS-Cascade’s documentation

Project’s home

Check for the latest release of this project on Github.

Please report bugs or ask questions using the Issue Tracker.

In DjangoCMS-Cascade version 0.4.0, the code base has been hugely refactored. If you where using version 0.3.2 upgrade carefully, since the API changed. Please contact me directly in case you need help to migrate your projects.

Project’s goals

  1. Create a modular system, which allows programmers to add simple widget code, without having to implement an extra Django-CMS plugins for each of them.
  2. Make available a meaningful subset of widgets as available for the most common CSS frameworks, such as Twitter Bootstrap and Grid System 960. With this special DjangoCMS Plugin, in many configurations, DjangoCMS can be operated using one single template, containing one generic placeholder.
  3. Extend this DjangoCMS plugin, to be used with other CSS frameworks such as Foundation 5, Unsemantic and others.


Indices and tables