=============== Generic Plugins =============== **Cascade** is shipped with a few plugins, which can be used independently of the underlying CSS framework. To avoid duplication, they are bundled into the section **Generic** and are available by default in the placeholders context menu. All these plugins qualify as plugins with `extra fields`_, which means that they can be configured by the site administrator to accept additional CSS styles and classes. .. _extra fields: extra-fields SimpleWrapperPlugin =================== Use this plugin to add a wrapping element around a group of other plugins. Currently these HTML elements can be used as wrapper: ``
``, ````, ``
``, ``
``. There is one special wrapper named ``naked``. It embeds its children only logically, without actually embedding them into any HTML element. HorizontalRulePlugin ==================== This plugins adds a horizontal rule ``
`` to the DOM. It is suggested to enable the ``margin-top`` and ``margin-bottom`` CSS styles, so that the ruler can be positioned appropriately. HeadingPlugin ============= This plugins adds a text heading ``


`` to the DOM. Although simple headings can be achieved with the **TextPlugin**, there they can't be styled using special CSS classes or styles. Here the **HeadingPlugin** can be used, since any allowed CSS class or style can be added. CustomSnippetPlugin =================== Not every collection of DOM elements can be composed using the Cascade plugin system. Sometimes one might want to add a simple HTML snippet. Altough it is quite simple to create a customized plugin yourself, an easier approach to just render an arbitrary HTML snippet, is to use the **CustomSnippetPlugin**. This can be achieved by adding the customized template to the project's ``settings.py``: .. code-block:: python CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE = { # other settings 'plugins_with_extra_render_templates': { 'CustomSnippetPlugin': [ ('myproject/snippets/custom-template.html', "Custom Template Identifier"), # other tuples ], }, } Now, when editing the page, a plugin named **Custom Snippet** appears in the *Generic* section in the plugin's dropdown menu. This plugin then offers a select element, where the site editor then can chose between the configured templates. Adding children to a CustomSnippetPlugin ---------------------------------------- It is even possible to add children to the **CustomSnippetPlugin**. Simple add these templatetag_s to the customized template, and all plugins which are children of the **CustomSnippetPlugin** will be rendered as well. .. code-block:: django {% load cms_tags %} {% for plugin in instance.child_plugin_instances %} {% render_plugin plugin %} {% endfor %} .. _templatetag: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/stable/ref/templates/language/#tags