.. _impatient: ================= For the Impatient ================= This HowTo gives you a quick instruction on how to get a demo of **djangocms-cascade** up and running. It also is a good starting point to ask questions or report bugs, since its backend is used as a fully functional reference implementation, used by the unit tests of project. Create a Python Virtual Environment =================================== To keep environments separate, create a virtual environment and install external dependencies. Missing packages with JavaScript files and Style Sheets, which are not available via pip must be installed via npm: .. code-block:: bash $ cd djangocms-cascade $ virtualenv cascadenv $ source cascadenv/bin/activate (cascadenv)$ pip install -r requirements/django19.txt (cascadenv)$ npm install Initialize the database, create a superuser and start the development server: .. code-block:: bash cd examples ./manage.py migrate ./manage.py createsuperuser ./manage.py runserver Point a browser onto http://localhost:8000/ and log in as the super user. Here you should be able to add your first page. Do this by changing into into **Structure** mode on the top of the page. Now a heading named **Main Content** appears. This heading symbolizes our main **djangoCMS** Placeholder. Locate the plus sign right to the heading and click on it. From its context menu select **Container** located in the section **Bootstrap**: |add-container| .. |add-container| image:: _static/add-container.png This brings you into the editor mode for a Bootstrap container. To this container you may add one or more Bootstrap **Rows**. Inside these rows you may organize the layout using some Bootstrap **Columns**. Please proceed with the detailled explanation on how to use the :ref:`Bootstrap's grid ` system within **djangocms-cascade**.