.. segmentation: ======================= Segmentation of the DOM ======================= The **SegmentationPlugin** allows to personalize the DOM structure, depending on the context used to render the corresponding page. Since **djangoCMS** always uses a RequestContext_ while rendering its pages, we always have access onto the request object. Some use cases are: * Depending on the user, show a different portion of the DOM, if he is a certain user or not logged in at all. * Show different parts of the DOM, depending on the browsers estimated geolocation. Useful to render different content depending on the visitors country. * Show different parts of the DOM, depending on the supplied marketing channel. * Show different parts of the DOM, depending on the content in the session objects from previous visits of the users. * Segment visitors into different groups used for A/B-testing. Configuration ============= The **SegmentationPlugin** must be activated separately on top of other **djangocms-cascade** plugins. In ``settings.py``, add to .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = ( ... 'cmsplugin_cascade', 'cmsplugin_cascade.segmentation', ... ) Then, depending on what kind of data shall be emulated, add a list of two-tuples to the configuration settings ``CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE['segmentation_mixins']``. The first entry of each two-tuple specifies the mixin class added the the proxy model for the ``SegmentationPlugin``. The second entry specifies the mixin class added the the model admin class for the ``SegmentationPlugin``. .. code-block:: python # this entry is optional: CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE = { ... 'segmentation_mixins': ( ('cmsplugin_cascade.segmentation.mixins.EmulateUserModelMixin', 'cmsplugin_cascade.segmentation.mixins.EmulateUserAdminMixin',), # the default # other segmentation plugin classes ), ... } Usage ===== When editing **djangoCMS** plugins in **Structure** mode, below the section **Generic** a new plugin type appears, named **Segment**. |segment-plugin| .. |segment-plugin| image:: _static/segment-plugin.png This plugin now behaves as an ``if`` block, which is rendered only, if the specified condition evaluates to true. The syntax used to specify the condition, is the same as used in the Django template language. Therefore it is possible to evaluate against more than one condition and combine them with ``and``, ``or`` and ``not`` as described in `boolean operators`_ in the Django docs Immediately below a segmentation block using the condition tag ``if``, it is possible to use the tags ``elif`` or ``else``. This kind of conditional blocks is well known to Python programmers. Note, that when rendering pages in djangoCMS, a RequestContext_- rather than a Context-object is used. This RequestContext is populated by the ``user`` object if ``'django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth'`` is added to your settings.py ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS``. This therefore is a prerequisite when the Segmentation plugin evaluates conditions such as ``user.username == "john"``. .. _RequestContext: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.8/ref/templates/api/#django.template.RequestContext .. _boolean operators: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/templates/builtins/#boolean-operators .. _request object: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/request-response/#httprequest-objects Emulating Users =============== As of version 0.5.0, in **djangocms-cascade** a staff user or administrator can emulate the currently logged in user. If this plugin is activated, in the CMS toolbar a new menu tag appears named “Segmentation”. Here a staff user can select another user. All evaluation conditions then evaluate against this selected user, instead of the currently logged in user. It is quite simple to add other overriding emulations. Have a look at the class ``cmsplugin_cascade.segmentation.mixins.EmulateUserMixin``. This class then has to be added to your configuration settings ``CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE_SEGMENTATION_MIXINS``. It then overrides the evaluation conditions and the toolbar menu.