.. _section: ================= Section Bookmarks ================= If you have a long page, and you want to allow the visitors of your site to quickly navigate to different sections, then you can use bookmarks and create links to the different sections of any HTML page. When a user clicks on a bookmark link, then that page will load as usual but will scroll down immediately, so that the bookmark is at the very top of the page. Bookmarks are also known as anchors. They can be added to any HTML element using the attribute ``id``. For example: .. code-block:: html
For obvious reasons, this identifier must be unambiguous, otherwise the browser does not know where to jump to. Therefore **djangocms-cascade** enforces the uniqueness of all bookmarks used on each CMS page. Configuration ============= The HTML standard allows the usage of the ``id`` attribute on any element, but in practice it only makes sense on ``
``, ``
`` and the heading elements ``


``. Cascade by default is configured to allow bookmarks on the **SimpleWrapperPlugin** and the **HeadingPlugin**. This can be overridden in the project's configuration settings using: .. code-block:: python CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE = { ... 'plugins_with_bookmark': [list-of-plugins], ... } Hashbang Mode ------------- Links onto bookmarks do not work properly in hashbang mode. Depending on the HTML settings, you may have to prefix them with ``/`` or ``!``. Therefore **djangocms-cascade** offers a configuration directive: .. code-block:: python CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE = { ... 'bookmark_prefix': '/', ... } which automatically prefixes the used bookmark. Usage ===== When editing a plugin that is eligible for adding a bookmark, an extra input field is shown: |section-bookmark| .. |section-bookmark| image:: /_static/section-bookmark.png You may add any identifier to this field, as long as it is unique on that page. Otherwise the plugin's editor will be reject the given inputs, while saving. Hyperlinking to a Bookmark ========================== When editing a **TextLink**, **BootstrapButton** or the link fields inside the **Image** or **Picture** plugins, the user gets an additional drop-down menu to choose one of the bookmarks for the given page. This additional drop-down is only available if the **Link** is of type *CMS page*. |link-bookmark| .. |link-bookmark| image:: /_static/link-bookmark.png If no bookmarks have been associated with the chosen CMS page, the drop-down menu displays only *Page root*, which is the default.