Map Plugin using the Leaflet frontend

If you want to add a interactive maps to a Django-CMS placeholder, the Cascade Leaflet Map Plugin may be your best choice. It is not activated by default, because it requires a special JavaScript library, an active Internet connection (in order to load the map tiles), and a license key (this depends on the chosen tiles layer). By default the Cascade Leaflet Map Plugin uses the Open Street Map tile layer, but this can be changed to Mapbox, Google Maps or another provider.

This plugin uses third party packages, based on the Leaflet JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps.


The required JavaScript dependencies are not shipped with djangocms-cascade. They must be installed separately from the Node JS repository.

npm install leaflet
npm install leaflet-easybutton


Leaflet Easybutton is only required for the administration backend.


The default Cascade settings must be active in order to use the Leaflet Map Plugin. Additionally add to the project’s settings:


By modifying the dictionary CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE['leaflet'] you may override Leaflet specific settings. Change CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE['leaflet']['tilesURL'] to the titles layer of your choice.

All other attributes of that dictionary are passed as options to the Leaflet tileLayer constructor. For details, please refer to the Leaflet specific documentation.


Add a Map Plugin to any django-CMS placeholder. Here you may adjust the width and height of the map.

The map can be repositioned at any time. Use the Center button on the top left corner to reset the position to the coordinates and zoom level, it was saved the last time.

Adding a marker to the map

First click on Add another Marker and enter a title of your choice. Afterwards go to the map and place the marker. After saving the map, this new marker will be persisted.

Additionally, one may choose a customized marker icon: Click on Use customized marker icon and choose an image from your media files. It is recommended to use PNG images with a transparent layer as marker icons.

Adjust the icon’s size by setting the marker width. The height is computed in order to keep the same aspect ratio.


Customized marker icons are only displayed in the frontend. The backend always uses the default pin symbol.

By settings the marker’s anchor, the icon can be positioned exactly.

Markers can be repositioned at any time and the new coordinates are saved together with the map.

Alternative Tiles

By default, djangocms-cascade is shipped using tiles from the Open Street Map project. This is mainly because these tiles can be used without requiring a license key. However, they load slowly and their appearance might not be what your customers expect.


A good alternative are tiles from Mapbox. Please refer to their terms and conditions for details. There you can also apply for an access token, they offer free plans for low traffic sites.

Then add to the project’s

    'leaflet': {
        'tilesURL': '{id}/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token={accessToken}',
        'accessToken': YOUR-MAPBOX-ACCESS-TOKEN,

Google Maps

The problem with Google is that its Terms of Use forbid any means of tile access other than through the Google Maps API. Therefore in the frontend, Google Maps are rendered using a different template, which is not based on the LeafletJS library. This means that you must edit your maps using Mapbox or OpenStreetMap titles, whereas Google Maps is only rendered in the frontend.

To start with, apply for a Google Maps API key and add it to the project’s

    'leaflet': {
        'apiKey': YOUR-GOOGLE-MAPS-API-KEY,

When editing a Map plugin, choose Google Map from the select field named Render template.

If want to render Google Maps exclusively in the frontend, change this in your project’s

    'plugins_with_extra_render_templates': {
        'LeafletPlugin': [
            ('cascade/plugins/googlemap.html', "Google Map"),

Default Starting Position

Depending of the region you normally create maps, you can specify the default starting position. If for instance your main area of interest is Germany, than these coordinates are a good setting:

    'leaflet': {
        'default_position': {'lat': 50.0, 'lng': 12.0, 'zoom': 6},