============================== Integrate Sphinx Documentation ============================== Restructured Text (ReST) is the de facto standard for documenting Python projects and is even widely used outside of this realm, by applications written in other languages. Sphinx_ is a compiler to generate HTML, Latex, PDF, e-books, etc. out of sources written in ReST. HTML rendered by Sphinx, typically is rendered as static content by the web server. This makes it difficult to serve documentation, side by side with content from **django-CMS**, because these are completely different technologies. Furthermore, since Sphinx uses Jinja2 templates, but **django-CMS**'s internal templatetags are not available for Jinja2, template sharing is not possible. Therefore **djangocms-cascade** offers an integration service, which makes it possible to integrate documentation generated by Sphinx, unintrusively inside the menu tree of **django-CMS**. Configuration ============= To the project's ``settings.py``, add these options to the configuration directives: .. code-block:: python INSTALLED_APPS = [ ... 'cmsplugin_cascade', 'cmsplugin_cascade.sphinx', ... ] CMS_TEMPLATES = [ ..., ('path/to/documentation.html', "Documentation Page"), ... ] SPHINX_DOCS_ROOT = '/path/to/docs/_build/fragments' Replace ``'path/to/documentation.html'`` with a filename pointing to your documentation root template (see below). Point ``SPHINX_DOCS_ROOT`` onto the directory, into which the HTML page fragments are generated. Configure Sphinx Builder ------------------------ Locate the file ``Makefile`` inside the ``docs`` folder and add another target to it: .. code-block:: makefile fragments: $(SPHINXBUILD) -b fragments $(ALLSPHINXOPTS) $(BUILDDIR)/fragments @echo @echo "Build finished. The HTML fragments are in $(BUILDDIR)/fragments." Locate the file ``conf.py`` and add: .. code-block:: python extensions = [ ... 'cmsplugin_cascade.sphinx.fragmentsbuilder', ] By invoking ``make fragments``, Sphinx generates a HTML fragment for each page inside the documentation folder, typically into ``docs/_build/fragments``. Later we use these fragments and include them using a normal Django view. Integration with the CMS ======================== In Django's admin backend, add a page as the starting point for the documentation inside the CMS menu tree. Typically, one would name that page "*Documentation*" using ``docs`` or ``documentation`` as its slug. In the *Advanced Settings* tab, choose **Documentation Page** as the template. This settings has been configured using the directive ``CMS_TEMPLATES``, as shown above. As *Application*, select **Sphinx Documentation** from the pull down menu. This attaches the complete documentation tree just below the chosen slug. Optionally select **Documentation Menu** from the pull down menu as the *Attached menu*. It adds a submenu for each main chapter of the documentation. If omitted, only **Documentation** is added the the CMS menu tree. The Documentation Template -------------------------- You must provide a template to be used by the documentation view. This template typically extends a base CMS page template, providing a header, the navigation bar and the footer. In the block, responsible for rendering the main content, add this template code: .. code-block:: django {% extends "path/to/base.html" %} {% load static cascade_tags %} ... {% block head %} {{ block.super }} {% endblock %} ... {% block main-content %} {% if page_content %} {{ page_content }} {% else %} {% sphinx_docs_include "index.html" %} {% endif %} {% endblock %} This Django template now includes the HTML fragments compiled by Sphinx. This allows us to use **django-CMS** and combine it with Sphinx. In the URL, the part behind the documentation's slug corresponds 1:1 to the name of the ReST document. In this example we add a stylesheet to adopt the output to the `Bootstrap theme`_ for Sphinx_. Depending on your template layout, the way you import this may vary. .. _Sphinx: http://www.sphinx-doc.org/ .. _Bootstrap theme: http://ryan-roemer.github.io/sphinx-bootstrap-theme/README.html Linking onto Documentation Pages -------------------------------- By overriding the :doc:`link-plugin` with a special target named **Documentation**, we can even add links onto our documentation pages symbolically. This means, that whenever we open the **LinkPlugin** editor, an additional target is added. It offers a select box showing all pages from our documentation tree. This prevents us, having to hard code the URL pointing onto the documentation. This feature has to be configured in the project's ``settings.py``, by replacing the LinkPlugin with a modified version of itself: .. code-block:: python CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE = { ... 'link_plugin_classes': [ 'cmsplugin_cascade.sphinx.link_plugin.SphinxDocsLinkPlugin', 'cmsplugin_cascade.link.plugin_base.LinkElementMixin', 'cmsplugin_cascade.sphinx.link_plugin.SphinxDocsLinkForm', ], ... }