Release History


  • In Segment: A condition raising a TemplateSyntaxError now renders that error inside a HTML comment. This is useful for debugging non working conditions.
  • In Segment: An alternative AdminModel to UserAdmin, using a callable instead of a model field, now works.
  • In Segment: It is possible to use segmentation_list_display = (list-of-fields) in an alternative AdminModel, to override the list view, when emulating a user.


  • Added a panel plugin to support the Bootstrap Panel.
  • Added experimental support for secondary menus.
  • Renamed AccordionPlugin to BootstrapAccordionPlugin for consistency and to avoid future naming conflicts.


  • Fixed #79: The column width is not reduced in width, if a smaller column precedes a column for a smaller displays.
  • Fixed: Added extra space before left prefix in buttons.
  • Enhanced: Access the link content through the glossary’s link_content.
  • New: Plugins now can be rendered using an alternative template, choosable through the plugin editor.
  • Fixed in SegmentationPlugin: When overriding the context, this updated context was only used for the immediate child of segment. Now the overridden context is applied to all children and grandchildren.
  • Changed in SegmentationPlugin: When searching for siblings, use a list index instead of get_children().get(position=...).
  • Added unit tests for SegmentationPlugin.
  • Added support for django-reversion.
  • By using the setting CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE_LINKPLUGIN_CLASSES, one can replace the class LinkPluginBase by an alternative implementation.
  • When using Extra Styles distances now can have negative values.
  • In caption field of CarouselSlidePlugin it now is possible to set links onto arbitrary pages.

Possible backwards incompatibility: * For consistency with naming conventions on other plugins,

renamed cascade/plugins/link.html -> cascade/link/link-base.html. Check your templates!
  • The setting CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE_SEGMENTATION_MIXINS now is a list of two-tuples, where the first declares the plugin’s model mixin, while the second declares the model admin mixin.
  • Removed from setting: CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE_BOOTSTRAP3_TEMPLATE_DIR. The rendering template now can be specified during runtime.
  • Refactored and moved SimpleWrapperPlugin and HorizontalRulePlugin from cmsplugin_cascade/bootstrap3/ into cmsplugin_cascade/generic/. The glossary field element_tag has been renamed to tag_type.
  • Refactored LinkPluginBase so that external implementations can create their own version, which then is used as base for TextLinkPlugin, ImagePlugin and PicturePlugin.
  • Renamed: PanelGroupPlugin -> Accordion, PanelPlugin -> AccordionPanelPlugin, because the Bootstrap project renamed them back to their well known names.


  • Added SegmentationPlugin. This allows to conditionally render parts of the DOM, depending on the status of various request object members, such as user.
  • Setting CASCADE_LEAF_PLUGINS has been replaced by CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE_ALIEN_PLUGINS. This simplifies the programming of third party plugins, since the author of a plugin now only must set the member alien_child_classes = True.


  • Fixed: If no breakpoints are set, don’t delete widths and offsets from the glossary, as otherwise this information is lost.
  • Fixed broken import for PageSelectFormField when not using django_select2.
  • Admin form for PluginExtraFields now is created on the fly. This fixes a rare circular dependency issue, when accessing plugin_pool.get_all_plugins().


  • Removed hard coded input fields for styling margins from BootstrapButtonPlugin, since it is possible to add them through the Extra Fields dialog box.
  • [Column ordering]( using col-xx-push-n and col-xx-pull-n has been added.
  • Fixed: Media file linkplugin.js was missing for BootstrapButtonPlugin.
  • Hard coded configuration option EXTRA_INLINE_STYLES can now be overridden by the projects settings



  • Fixed: Allow empty setting for CMSPLUGIN_CASCADE_PLUGINS
  • Fixed: Use str(..) instead of b’’ in combination with from __future__ import unicode_literals


  • Fixed: Exception when saving a ContainerPlugin with only one breakpoint.
  • The required flag on a field for an inherited LinkPlugin is set to False for shared settings.
  • Fixed: Client side code for disabling shared settings did not work.


  • Renamed context from model CascadeElement to glossary`. The identifier ``context lead to too much confusion, since it is used all way long in other CMS plugins, where it has a complete different meaning.
  • Renamed partial_fields in all plugins to glossary_fields, since that’s the model field where they keep their information.
  • Huge refactoring of the code base, allowing a lot of more features.


  • Fixed: Missing unicode conversion for method get_identifier()
  • Fixed: Exception handler for form validation used getattr incorrectly.


  • Added compatibility layer for Python-3.3.


  • Complete rewrite. Now offers elements for Bootstrap 3 and other CSS frameworks.


  • Added carousel.


  • Fixed: Added missign migration.


  • Added unit tests.


  • First published revision.


This DjangoCMS plugin originally was derived from, so the honor for the idea of this software goes to Divio and specially to Patrick Lauber, aka digi604.

However, since my use case is different, I removed all the existing code and replaced it against something more generic suitable to add a collection of highly configurable plugins.